Monday, October 10, 2011

TV Review: 2 Broke Girls 1.04-- "...And the Rich People Problems"

This episode just might be my favorite yet.  We got more insight into Caroline's character, increased participation on the parts of the supporting players (Han is probably my favorite TV boss right now), and even a glimmer of compassion from Max.

Caroline needs to go to the dentist.  This is the simple premise that allows the rest of the episode to unfold.  As a person who also obsesses over dental hygiene, I was impressed that she could tell her teeth were shifting by studying her bite in an apple (I will learn to do this, mark my words).  But that's not the point.  The point is, as she is currently nursing a zero balance in her bank account, Caroline must face the horror (and it was pretty horrible) of a subway station dentist's office, which has bullet proof glass and definitely looks like the scene of a murder, be it past or future.  Fortunately, Max manages to talk her out of it, and they wind up breaking into Caroline's former home to get her Bite Guard.

I really really enjoyed their tour of Caroline's digs.  Max's reactions were hilarious, and I really did like their little heart to heart about how Caroline was raised; it developed her without seeming too dropped in or insincere.  It definitely made her more sympathetic, and I think the fact that Max thought so too was a good step forward for their friendship.

Also, we're definitely going to need a full karaoke number from Han in the future.  Just sayin'.

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