Friday, December 2, 2011

TV Discussion: A Controversial Prediction for How I Met Your Mother

If you haven't seen the most recent episode of How I Met Your Mother (which aired two weeks ago, begging the question of what, exactly, you're doing with your life if you haven't watched it), you probably don't want to read this, as I'll be discussing a particular plot point in heavy detail.

In my initial review, I proposed several possibilities concerning Robin's pregnancy and what it means for the show.  I felt equally not-confident in each prediction, but now having thought it over and (more importantly) gathered some revealing intel, I have reached two possible outcomes, and I'm not sure what to make of either one.

First, let's go over what we know.  In my excitement over the possibility of a Robin/Barney baby and subsequent reunion, I forgot that narrator Ted has previously told us that "Aunt Robin" doesn't have children of her own.  This was pointed out to me in a discussion, and though I have yet to corroborate it by tracking down the exact episode Ted says it, I do vaguely recall getting this information.  Therefore, unless the writers plan to unravel a thread established long ago, the options for Robin have diminished to two: abortion or miscarriage.

I have narrowed it down thus far because of a couple tidbits revealed by promotional materials and interviews with the executive producers of the show, Craig Thomas and Carter Bays (who I just realized I've been referring to on this blog as "Carter and Bays" for some reason, oops).  The first is that, much to my relief, the baby can't possibly be Kevin's, because according to Robin the two haven't had sex yet.  Additionally, Thomas and Bays dropped the revealing hint that Ms. Scherbatsky "really is pregnant, but whether she'll stay that way is the question."  In another article they are quoted as adding that this episode (presumably revealing the fate of Robin's potential child), is controversial, and that "some people might stop watching" the show in its aftermath.  Now, I can see the case for this being an obvious hint at an abortion storyline, but I'd argue that done in a certain way, miscarriage is still a possibility.  Let's break it down:

If she miscarries:  The reason for this turning audience members away seems obvious-- it might simply be too dramatic for a show that is predominantly a comedy.  Yes, part of the brilliance of season six was the somber storyline about Marshall's father, but that helped push all the characters into some positive character development and maturing.  I think a Robin miscarriage might be something that would just leave a dark mark on both her and Barney's characters, and maybe even the group as a whole.  It's difficult to imagine the gang bouncing back from something like that.  Also, if we want to get into a bit of a feminist debate, you could argue that the writers having Robin lose the baby takes away from the power of the choice she'd made, way back prior to season one, to not have children and pursue a career instead (that is, pulling the decision out of her control might imply that she would have inevitably had the baby if she could, and that doesn't necessarily jive with what we know of her character).

If she has an abortion:  The reason I'm hoping it isn't this (and simultaneously the reason I feel in my gut it's more likely), is because I don't think Barney would be able to forgive her.  Yes, it is absolutely Robin's choice and you will not see me fault her for it, but I'm thinking of it from a character development/writing standpoint. Barney has made huge leaps in terms of his views on family in past year (and the promos show him being excited about the prospect of fatherhood, though this could be taken out of context), and I think this kind of blow from the woman he loves would completely unseat him.  And that hint from narrator Ted at the beginning of the season is poking at the back of my mind again: what if this has to do with why Ted, Robin, and Barney can't all co-exist in harmonious friendship?  This would also be controversial for viewers because (apart from the obvious loss of staunch pro-lifers who are watching the show), over the course of the show we've primarily seen Robin softening as a character, becoming more well-rounded and even, in a few instances, motherly.  To have her return completely to her stance of kids not even being a vague option might feel to some viewers like a step backward, or something that makes her less likable (again, to be clear: arguing this from a TV standpoint, not debating the ethics of abortion).

I'll admit that I'm relieved we aren't going to have two babies introduced to the show at once (it's a notorious comedy killer), but I am anxious to see what this story line will do to the characters and relationships most concerned.  One thing I will say is that I don't think any outcome will make me stop watching (and I suspect many other viewers feel the same); I've come too far on this journey with Ted and the gang, if you think I'm not holding out until we actually meet the mother (maybe sometime in like... 2015), then you're nuts.

1 comment:

  1. LOL.. I see that you wrote this on Dec 2nd.. Had you waited three more days, it would have saved you all your assumptions and waste of time that you did for this blog!!
