Friday, February 3, 2012

Trouble Ahead? How I Met Your Mother's Sweeps Plans

Mr. Thomas, Mr. Bays, I certainly hope you know what you're doing.  We've trusted you so far, after six and a half seasons of edging only incrementally closer to finding out the identity of (at least, theoretically) the most important character on your show.  It's been a funny, heartfelt journey, and so we've forgiven you the occasional backward step or joke falling flat.  But if the rumors of what you've got in store for this month are true, that trust, slightly wavering in the face of an uneven season seven so far, might just run out.

For those of you wondering what I'm referencing, I'd refer you to this article (with accompanying photos for those who don't mind being spoiled), which reveals that the HIMYM writers appear to be headed back down a road already traveled, and that Ted's February sweeps story line will involve none other than his roommate and BFF, Robin.  Talk about beating a dead horse.

To be clear, I didn't have a problem with the early buzzings of this plot, because I am fine with Ted using his relationship with Robin, the longest one he's had since we met him in the pilot, to assess where he's been, where he is, and where he's going.  However, I am concerned by the fact that this seems like a bit more than that, like maybe Ted's thinking he and Robin should give things yet another go.  Hopefully she sets him straight (the photos of her with a suitcase seem to support this theory), because if she doesn't, I'm not sure I can stay on board.  A Ted and Robin redux would be a blatant stalling mechanism, a huge step backward in a season that is supposed to be preparing Ted to finally meet the woman he'll marry.  It has been confirmed a dozen times over that there is no possibility Robin is this woman, and to revisit a romance with her in season 7 just seems insulting to those of us who have been invested in finding out how this all will end.

Whether or not Robin reciprocates Ted's apparently resurrected feelings, it does seem that this will be part of what causes the casually referenced strife between Robin, Ted, and Barney.  I have to admit I didn't really consider the possibility that Ted and Barney would be at odds with each other over Robin (mostly because it's been done before), but given that this season has already given us a heavy dose of Barney/Robin suspense, this thing with Ted is going to be a bit jarring to everyone, not just those of us watching the show.

The biggest problem with a significant step backward at such a critical moment in Ted's story is the growing concern that we are running out of time.  Yes, the show has been renewed through next season, but beyond that I'm not sure about its chances at surviving for a 9th season (I'm also on the fence as to whether it should).  If we assume that the writers will (hopefully) begin scripting a slope toward the series finale within the next year, then this plot emerges as an unnecessary roadblock.  There are so many loose ends to tie up (and not just with Ted), that it's hard to believe the writers are finding time to waste.

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