Friday, April 27, 2012

TV Review: Community -- Basic Lupine Urology

So it looks like mobile meth labs are the new Chekhov's gun, huh?  If you don't know what I mean, you clearly haven't watched last night's episode of Community, and you probably shouldn't read this spoiler-filled review.  Just a friendly suggestion.

Still here?  OMG, right?  So we had some speculation that a character was going to be killed off, but most people were betting on token old guy Leonard, so the demise of Star Burns was at least a little bit shocking.  The way it was announced, however, perfectly befit the episode's Law and Order theme, with the grim revelation coming just before credits rolled.  Now the question remains as to how Greendale will deal with the death of one of its own--rumor has it a funeral in the cafeteria is in the works for next week-- but if I know this show at all, they'll make it funny, but in an "I shouldn't really be laughing at this" kind of way.

But let's back up and talk about the fantastic homage to NBC's long-running drama that comprised the 20 minutes prior to learning Star Burns' fate.  Troy and Abed were great as the lead detectives, competing for the best one-liners and occasionally experiencing bursts of needing-to-break-stuff anger; Annie and Jeff did well as the "lawyers" on the case; although I think my favorite was Britta with her photolab skills and over-eager offers to psychoanalyze the suspects.  On the whole, this episode did what this show has really honed its skill in, which is taking an absurd scenario (in this case, a destroyed science project) and making it something into which the characters (and the audience) become truly invested.  That, and the way they never wavered from L&O's trademark structure and conventions made this a near-perfect episode of Community (I realize I've been throwing out claims like this a lot lately about this show, but hey, they've really stepped it up). 

This episode is one of those where I could go through, scene by scene, and gush over every little detail, OR you could take my sage advice and check it out in all its hilariousness for yourself.  Let's go with the latter this time.

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