Friday, April 15, 2011

TV Discussion: Should 'The Office' Quit While It's Ahead?

I've been an Office fan from the beginning, from the days before Steve Carell's hair implants and the days when Jim and Pam could only shoot longing glances at each other from across a crowded office.  So it's with a heavy heart that I come to the conclusion that this show should really just wrap up at the end of this season, following Michael's departure. 

It would be tempting to say that the writers have simply run out of material, but based on the past few episodes that really isn't the case.  The proposal episode and now Will Ferrell's first appearance have both been truly successful installments of The Office, and this only adds strength to my conviction that to end things now would be to go out on top.  Now that they're in the process of replacing Michael, it seems almost too fitting that the rest of the show's loose ends (not that there are many remaining) should be tied up as well.  I think more than anything I'd like to see a truly heartfelt and hilarious season finale turn into a series finale, where we leave our favorite Dunder-Mifflinites behind, knowing that they'll continue to get into the hijinks we all know and love, but also that they'll be just fine without us.  I'd miss Jim and Pam and Dwight (and my weekly dose of John Krasinski, naturally), but I'd rather see them go in the fairly content states they are now then watch them flounder for another season or two before coming to a flat conclusion.

Just throwing it out there, NBC.  Don't sacrifice a great show's integrity just so you can make a bigger profit.

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