Thursday, April 28, 2011

TV Review: Parks and Rec Paints a Picture of Perfection

Holy hell, it's insane how badly I need Ben and Leslie to get together.  It's insane how palpable the tension between them is getting (Even Andy noticed! Granted, he thought it was because Leslie had stolen money from Ben, but still...).  It's more insane that every time I think this show can't get better, it just does.

So many great things to talk about in this episode (extended by 10 minutes because apparently the TV gods are listening to my prayers--and yes, there are TV gods).  Jerry's Painting--the name of the episode, and possibly the best/most hilarious piece of artwork I've ever seen.  Ben as April & Andy's roommate-- I think whichever writer came up with that story needs an Emmy like, now.  So hilarious, and they did it without making Ben look like too much of a square or the newlyweds look too stupid/oblivious.  And of course I loved Ben's conversation with Andy about his and Leslie's relationship.  It was cute and perfect and oh gosh, I'm gushing again.

There was some really great character stuff in this episode that I really appreciated.  I like that we've been taking a very subtle turn with Chris' character; his bubbly attitude started out charming but now his refusal to break from his ways is becoming a problem for multiple characters, not to mention that his perkiness is getting more and more annoying with each scene that he's in.  I just love the irony of this, given the way that they showed him making Ben be the "bad guy" last season.  And Leslie was just...luminous this episode.  Amy Poehler deserves Emmy consideration for this episode (not that she didn't already, but if I had to pick a performance to submit, it'd be this one); she just brought everything to the table that makes her so wonderful and really pulled out all the stops.  She was just so nuanced, from the obvious angst over Ben to her escalating confidence and willingness to stand up to Chris (among others).  I think this is (hopefully) a set up for her being bold enough to push things with Ben where they definitely need to go, ideally some time before Season 3 concludes.

And on an only vaguely related note, how adorable was Leslie this week?  I've grown accustomed to Ben being ridiculously cute in his own awkward way, but I definitely underestimated Leslie's ability to be genuinely charming (I like to think that Ben just brings out the best in her).

Additionally, Ron's speech at the art opening.  I died.  Seriously.  This man takes approximately 2 minutes total screen time and walks away with some of the most memorable quotes.  that's probably a skill that ranks pretty high on the Pyramid of Greatness.

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