Monday, September 26, 2011

TV Review: Parks and Recreation, 4.01-- "I'm Leslie Knope"

I would normally be extremely ashamed of how late this review is, especially since I had a boatload of thoughts (some coherent, others not so much) the minute "I'm Leslie Knope" concluded on Thursday.  However, a bout of illness and a weird kind of writer's block prevented me from writing up my thoughts until now.

This episode was just about everything I could've hoped for in a premiere, and a premiere for this show nonetheless.  It was funny but genuinely heartfelt, and it accomplished everything it needed to in order for the season to really get rolling in episode two. 

We saw a lot of the fallout from last season's finale-- Tom plugging his new company at the Parks Department (although as April pointed out, they don't seem to be doing much in the way of actual work), Ron hiding in his cabin from Tammy 1 (and growing a truly fabulous beard in just a couple of weeks), and April serving as Andy's would-be mentor as he navigates the uphill climb from his career as a "shoe-shinist."  We got a fantastic humorous story line for Ann (finally!), but the most important part of this episode was Leslie, and the decisions she faced.

It would be dishonest to say that I didn't devote a large amount of time this summer to wondering how Leslie would negotiate a breakup with Ben (which I considered inevitable), and whether I would be okay with it.  After watching the premiere, the answers are (respectively):  flawlessly, and yes, I am beyond okay with it.  Despite the fact that the writers have further established Ben Wyatt as one of the most impossibly perfect men in the universe, the breakup was absolutely true to both characters and simultaneously heartbreaking and satisfying for the viewers.  They set up the actual breakup scene so well (and with so many fake-outs) that by the time Ben actually gave his little (adorable) speech, I was breathing a sigh of relief for both of them.  I know that there is a bigger plan in place for this couple (who are undeniably perfect for each other), and so for now I am perfectly content with watching Leslie pursue her dream and watching both of them figure themselves out.  When (not if) they do get back together, the relationship will be a hundred times stronger for having overcome this rough patch.

Also, the tiny teaser preview we got of Patricia Clarkson's performance?  Amazing.  Rumor has it next week's episode will feature Ron and all the Tammys in his life, and I am definitely looking forward to it.

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