Thursday, October 6, 2011

TV Review: Community 3.03-- Competitive Ecology

This episode was so wonderfully wacky plot-wise that I can hardly articulate my love for it.  The last two weeks have been a warm up to this, which is the type of hilarious and forward-moving episode this show is absolutely capable of producing.  Because there were so many wonderful moments, I've decided to simply include my favorite quotations of the night in this post.

"Now before you all put Todd last, remember:  he comes with a turtle.  You're halfway done."  --Jeff

"Arizona backwards is still Arizona!"  --Chang, (not) solving an anagram

"Who are you always texting?  Everyone you know is here!"  --Annie to Jeff

"You're a creationist!"  --Annie to Shirley, explaining they can't be partners because Shirley doesn't believe in science.

"Pierce, wake up, Jeff is gonna heal us!"  --Troy, anticipating one of Jeff's speeches

"Your love is weird and toxic and it destroys everything it touches!"  --Poor, poor Todd, who suffered the madness of the group and almost lost his turtle in the process

"We have a name for people like you in prison...we called you the mean clique."  --Biology teacher (Google won't help me discover his name!), admonishing the study group

Can't figure out what happened in the episode from these gems?  Guess you'd better watch it yourself.  C'mon people, I can't do all the work for you.

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