Friday, October 14, 2011

TV Review: Community 3.04-- Remedial Chaos Theory

Where to start trying to recap everything that happens (or doesn't happen) in this episode...  "Remedial Chaos Theory" takes place entirely within Troy and Abed's apartment at their housewarming party.  This is a nice change from the overuse of Chang and Dean Pelton in this season's first few episodes; it's always refreshing to spend some time with just the group, and outside of Greendale is even better. 

This episode shows us six possible timelines stemming from a decision the group makes about who will go to the door to let the pizza delivery guy in.  Sounds silly, but each glimpse of each respective outcome is more ridiculous than the last.  We see some key interactions between various members of the gang, including Troy and Pierce (featuring a housewarming gift that is somehow both hilarious and terrifying), Troy and Britta (and candy cigarettes), Britta and Shirley (the latter of whom still doesn't have much to do in this episode), Jeff and Annie (I can almost hear the message boards/blogs quaking under the weight of their shippers' reactions), and Abed and...well, everyone.  Somewhat unsurprisingly, the best outcome (and presumably the "real" outcome) is the timeline where Jeff leaves the party, and it promptly turns into an actual party. 

This episode also gave us a little bit of a nudge forward, plot-wise.  We saw Abed invite Annie to move into the apartment as well, giving her a chance to escape the awful and apparently dangerous apartment in which she currently resides, not to mention opening the door for lots of potential roommate shenanigans.  And though this show remains inconsistent as ever in terms of relationships, I'll be interested to see if any of the romantic tensions that cropped up this week are actually addressed in the weeks to come. 

Also, the tag, which gives us a look at the future of the most disastrous timeline, is pure genius.  I love Abed's scheme to attempt to right the universe by meddling in the alternate timelines.  Plus, you know, fake mustaches/beards are always funny.

LAST THING I SWEAR:  Look at the details of Troy and Abed's apartment.  The decor is flawless and I want to live there.

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