Monday, May 16, 2011

TV Review: How I Met Your Mother Reveals Turning Points for All

This is the part where I gloat and do a virtual happy dance, because BOTH of my major predictions for this finale were proven right!

Naturally, I loved Barney and Robin working together to derail Ted from his ridiculous romantic tendencies.  And if that had been all I got from them this episode as a supplement to the Marshal and Lily plot, that would've been enough.  But this week the writers decided to give me (and a lot of other people) even more than we'd dared to hope for.  It was revealed that Barney is the groom in the wedding we saw Ted attend during the premiere.  The twist I was not expecting was the building of the mystery of the bride's identity.  In the scene directly prior to the reveal, we not only saw Barney get Norah (the cute British girl he was crushin' hard on a few weeks back) to accept a coffee date, but we saw Robin watching them with a sad "I wish I had another chance with him" face.  At this point I'd be happy to see either of the ladies walk down the aisle toward Barney (I will always be a loyal fan of Barney and Robin, but Norah is literally the first person I'd have dreamed up if that proved impossible), so I am excited to see how both relationships pan out.

The Marshal/Lily storyline.  I knew by the first time she vomited that it would turn out she was pregnant and that the food poisoning had been a misdirect, but it was still fun watching them get there.  It was made especially poignant by Marshal's speech right beforehand with him lamenting what a terrible year they've had so far.  I predicted when his father died that a baby would be their reward, but even I had moments of doubt that they'd do it before season's end.  That said, however, I think it was perfect timing, and a great thread to season seven, which I am now officially stoked for.

Craig Thomas, Carter Bays, congratulations are in order.  You just wrapped up a season that was emotionally stirring, hilarious, and suspenseful.  You revealed twists I've been predicting for months in a way that still had me tearing up and throwing every object within arms' reach.  You've restored my faith in this show, 100% and I am ready for a season 7 that delves deeper into all of the great stories you've set up.

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