Thursday, April 21, 2011

TV Review: The Writers of Parks and Recreation May Be My "Soulmates"

There were so many things going on in this episode that I adored.  To name a few:  Chris taking the team on a journey to the natural foods store; April and Andy being the cutest boring married couple in the world; Ann taking the sluttiness up a notch (I'm sensing potential for an intervention, Leslie Knope style, in the near future); literally every single thing that Tom said/did; and of course my favorite development of the night....any guesses?  Anyone?

Let's talk about that first, since I'll just be distracted trying to write on anything else.  I cannot express how worried I was when Ben shot Leslie down in their first scene together.  I mean, I was pissed.  You can't just build up someone being attracted to someone else for an entire season then have them drop it like nothing happened.  Fortunately, I held out hope, knowing that the writers over at Parks would never be so incompetent (I mean, it isn't Glee, folks).  And alas, they redeemed themselves in the end:  Ben just doesn't want to get himself or Leslie fired, because Chris has a policy against inter-office relationships.  (Sidenote:  I was totally thinking to myself, "Well that's hypocritical, what about him and Ann?", and then I remembered that she doesn't actually work in their office.)  At any rate, I'm glad that they both know how the other feels now, and I'm interested to see how they're going to handle this.  The obvious answer (and hope) is some kind of secret romance, but unfortunately neither Leslie nor Ben strikes me as capable of being particularly stealthy.  I just hope they don't spend the rest of the season pretending that the revelations in this episode didn't happen (again, it isn't Glee, and I need to remember that).

But backtracking just a little bit, I want to take a moment to examine the LOLZ factor of the Leslie and Tom saga with which this episode gifted us.  Point number one:  Tom looks like such a creeper in his online dating profile photo.  Point number two: That little smile he aimed at the camera, the one where you could almost see him deciding to mess with Leslie, that was like the smile of a hilarious baby angel, and I think Aziz Ansari needs to make that face like, all the time.  Point number three:  Tom's three wishes.  Enough said.  Point four:  The kiss, and Tom's reaction/description with Ben afterward was so perfectly awkward.  Moments like these and plot lines like this one would probably never work on any other show, and that's part of what makes this one so fabulous.

Bonus moment of hilarity:  Ron comparing watching the vegans in the natural foods store to watching animals in the zoo.  So, so good.

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